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The Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy (OSOT) has been involved in many projects, events and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes over the name but a few....

  • We have hosted an international event - an Occupational Science Conference.  "Occupation: Awakening to the Everyday".  For further information on this conference visit
  • We were successful in seeking a Fulbright Scholar to partner with UCC. The scholar worked in the department for 6 months during which time she did some teaching and worked on research projects with the OSOT team.
  • The Department hosted 2 international events: the Occupational Science UK and Ireland Conference (2004) and the European Network of Therapists in Higher Education (ENOTHE) Conference in 2007.
  • Some of our CPD events have included provision of workshops for post graduate training in Sensory Integration and in the use of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS).
  • We also take part in the European Erasmus programme. Staff and student exchanges have taken place between Cardiff University, Wales and more recently, University College Lillebaelt, Odense, Denmark as part of this scheme.

Further news can be found by clicking on the "Student & Graduate Info" tab (over on the left - main section tabs)

College of Medicine & Health's Monthly Newsletter is available at


COMET 2023 - School of Clinical Therapies will host COMET 2023 in June!

COMET is an international and interdisciplinary conference on communication, medicine and ethics. #comet2023ucc

COMET aims to bring together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds, involving various healthcare specialities and the human and social sciences. A special emphasis will be on the dissemination of ongoing research in language / discourse / communication studies in relation to healthcare education, patient participation and professional ethics.

The submission deadline has been extended from 9th January to 31st January!

For further information on COMET 2023 visit:  News | University College Cork (


The George Moore Scholarship

The George Moore Scholarship was set up to support academically talented students who wish to study a Masters Programme in the USA or other countries outside of Ireland.  The aim of the scholarship is to produce scholars that will be "trailblazers in their specific discipline or boundary breakers, using an interdisciplinary lens to examine our great global challenges".  The Scholarship will cover most of the cost of higher education fees, research, travel, visa, health insurance and other living costs for successful applicants. Applicants will be required to provide a detailed annual budget with verifiable sources of cost estimates for each category of projected expenditure. OT Graduate 2021 (Louise Coombs) was awarded the scholarship in 2021 but postponed her studies for one year so she will now begin in September 2022 in the University of Edinburgh.  OT Graduate 2022 (Grace Richardson) was awarded the scholarship in 2022 and will begin in September 2022 in the University of New York. For information on this scholarship visit George Moore Scholars


The AOTI Anne Beckett Award

OT staff members (Dr. Helen Lynch & Ms. Alice Moore) won the 2022 Award with their winning project (The Crann Inclusive Playground Project) which turned children with neuro-physical disabilities and their families into playground designers.  Children and families worked with a team of Occupational Therapists alongside architects and builders to imagine their dream, inclusive playground and recreation space. For more information on the award and details of the winning project visit: About Us | Ann Beckett Award | The Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (


OT Student (Raphael Cherif) spoke at Dr. Amanullah De Sondy Conversations on Racism in Ireland

Raphael spoke at the above event which took place on-line on 26th March 2021.  Dr. De Sondy is Head of Study of the Religions Dept & Co-Chair of the UCC Race Equality Forum.  Dr. De Sondy hosted this special panel with students from across UCC.  Raphael is also involved in the Cork Migrant Centre & the UCC Africian Society.  Information on this event can be found by contacting the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit UCC at 


Past Graduate (Alan O'Connor) was awarded The O'Connor Scholarship

Not only is Alan a qualified OT, he is also a qualified Physiotherapist and has now been awarded the O'Connor Scholarship.  Details on this scholarship can be found at; The O'Connor Scholarship | University College Cork (


Seminar Series

The Dept of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy has been running a Seminar Series since 2005, whereby we invite both national and international speakers to come and talk about their particular specialised field. These talks are FREE and are offered to students, staff and clinicians.  Also, an invitation is extended to our colleagues in the HSE, in the voluntary and private sectors also.  The seminars are inter-disciplinary – so everyone is welcome.  We aim to run 3 seminars per term each academic year.  If you are interested in giving a seminar please contact Ms. Kerry Murphy, Dept Administrator on  Please re-visit this page for future upcoming seminars!

  We are very proud and grateful to have Trulife of Cork  as being our main sponsor for these seminars.


OT Week 2020

It was World Occupational Therapy Day 2020 in October 2020 and the AOTI (The Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland) decided to call it National OT Week.  The purpose of OT Week is to celebrate the Occupational Therapy profession, promote greater awareness of the valuable work occupational therapists do and highlight the benefits of Occupational Therapy for those who receive it.  The theme of OT Week was Occupational Therapy: Supportive, Practical, Essential.  AOTI developed resources and ran a social media campaign around this message. For further info visit;


Prof. Anita Bundy's Paediatric OT 2 Day Course

Prof. Anita Bundy of Colorado State University gave a 2 day paediatric OT course in Assessing Play ToP to TOES in September 2019.  The course provided participants with in-depth knowledge of two psychometrically-sound observational assessments of children’s play: The Test of Playfulness (ToP) and the Test of Environmental Supportiveness (TOES). The ToP is based on a conceptualisation of play that includes intrinsic motivation, internal control, the freedom to suspend some (unnecessary) aspects of reality, and the ability to give and read social cues. The TOES is set in the context of children’s motivations for play and examines the supportiveness of various aspects of the environment.

Anita Bundy Course Photo

Anita Bundy Course Photo

Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Eolaíocht Cheirde agus Teiripe Shaothair

Ground Floor, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, College Road, Cork, Ireland.
