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University Student Surveys Board

The University Student Surveys Board is charged to:

  • Establish and maintain a policy, set of principles, and a Code of Practice for the conducting of student surveys.
  • Establish and maintain a set of common protocols on: distribution of university wide surveys, including timings, methods, and tools of distribution; collection and storing of data; reporting process; strategy for communicating outcomes to all stakeholders, most especially students.
  • Approve and disseminate an annual survey schedule.
  • Identify Sponsors for each survey who will have delegated authority to oversee the proper
    implementation of the Code of Practice for Student Surveying as it applies to a particular survey.
  • Establish working groups to which it periodically delegates policy and practice reviews and developments.


University Student Surveys Board membership 2023/2024

Deputy President and Registrar

Professor Stephen Byrne

Vice President for Teaching & Learning

Professor Paul McSweeney

Head of Student Experience

Mr Paul Moriarty

Director, Quality Enhancement Unit (Chair)

Ms Elizabeth Noonan (Chair)

Project Manager (Surveys)

Ms Deirdre Kearney

Representative from each College

CACSSS – Dr Fionn Woodhouse

B&L – Dr Geraldine Ryan

M&H – Prof Mark McEntee

SEFS – Dr Martina Scallan

Representative from AC T&L Committee

Dr Fiona Chambers (University Level)

Representative from Student Analysis and Impact Group


Representative from Systems Administration

Mr Jason Sheehan

Representative from IT Services

Mr Barry Foley

Representative from University Ethics Committee

Dr Mike Murphy

Students’ Union Education Officer

Ms Ali O'Mahony

Co-opted members

Ms Michele Power

Ms Anne Gannon


University Student Surveys Board

Office of Academic Affairs & Governance ,
